Accessible Digital Communications

Digital material used for communication on your website include:

  • documents such as MS Word
  • photos, images, video and audio clips
  • links to social media sites 

All sites built by opalwebdesign, everyone can use it and accessibility issues are kept to an absolute minimum. We think about the needs of your users when creating digital communications.

Typical struggles with accessibility

Users that struggle with complex sentences becuase they suffer from low vision.

Those users who are hard at hearing. These typically rely on written information.

Physical impairment caused by both natural and unnatural causes.

According to ABS 2018, With more than 4.4 million people in Australia with a disability (representing 20%), sites need to address accessibility.

It is scary to think that approximately 30% of Australian adults read between a year 7 and a year 10 high school level and approximately 800,000 people say they dont speak English well or not at all.

Types of disability

Cognitive disability includes those that can focus for long periods

  • problems understanding information
  • cant keep track of details
  • communicate

Physical disabilities affects a person abilities in various ways especially when access a website, such as:

  •  visual (blind or have low vision). Being colour blind can also be a potential problem.
  • movement.

The importance of writing in plain English

This means a user visiting a site can use their voice to type instead of the keyboard.

Use of keyboard shortcuts help users that do not have a mouse.

Chat software also helps

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