Using Videos to improve Google Ranking

The first step is to define your business or video category and make sure it fits in with your business plan. As a business, you will need to determine are you offering tutorials and training, business or product sales, information, entertainment, or gaming?  What problem are you helping people to solve? It is important to frame that question in the words of a searcher or viewer. 

Its also very important to map out existing videos to organise and categorise them into related chunks. At the end of the process you should find very specific themes for your videos and start to find descriptive phrases for each.


Why not use videos to enhance your business marketing for sales, leads, customer support and training.  Your videos can be a powerful marketing tool with a potential message retention of 95% of the message as oppose to 10% when read as a text page. The combination of moving video and audio together actively engages our brain and we are able to remember information more effectively.

Your audience

Target demographics and affinity audiences for branding and awareness

Did you know that statistics indicate for sales, websites utilising video see a 27% higher click-through rate and a 35% higher conversion rate than those websites that don’t.

People generally look for the easy way out to solving a problem and so the average user spends 88% more time on a website that uses video. When looking at efficiencies 68% of users indicate they would watch an video explain the process in order to solve a problem.

Keword search

We cannot over emphasis the importance of knowing the importance of what people are searching for, the words they use, and how they communicate intent through their search. The advantage of utilising video to gain rankings is that it increases your visibility in both search engine rankings and in the video site you use. Did you know that the more relevant your content is to the search query, the higher it’ll rank? 


Watch your competitors with higher views and make notes as to how they use keywords in their video titles and descriptions. 

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